Student Registration

Welcome to Elyria Schools!

We look forward to meeting you and helping you take steps to BE A PIONEER!

All students new to the district are required to register online to enroll in school.

New kindergarten students must be 5 years of age ON OR BEFORE September 30.

The registration process is not considered complete until all the required documents are provided to, and approved by, our registrar.

Required documents include:

  • parent/guardian ID
  • Student birth certificate
  • Student immunization records
  • Two proofs of residency
  • Proof of custody, if applicable.

If you require assistance with Internet or device access to complete the registration process, please make an appointment to visit our Registration office located at the Elyria Board of Education, 42101 Griswold Road, by calling 440-284-8220.

To complete the online Kindergarten - 12th grade student registration, please click the CORRECT link below.

School Year 2024-2025 Enrollment

Get Started Here 2024-2025

Click Here for Spanish 2024-2025


Open Enrollment

To apply for open enrollment, please complete the Open Enrollment online form or paper forms completed can be mailed to 42101 Griswold Road, Elyria, ATTN: Student Services or email to [email protected].

Paper Open Enrollment form HERE


Preschool enrollment

To register for one of the preschool programs, please click link here.



You may find that you have a question that we've answered on our page of Frequently Asked Questions. Check it out here!

Parent Portal in PowerSchool 

The PowerSchool Parent Portal gives parents and students access to on-line information including attendance, grades and detailed assignment descriptions, school bulletins and even personal messages from the teacher.

Everyone stays connected:  Students stay on top of assignments, parents are able to participate more fully in their student's progress and teachers can share information with parents and students.

The PowerSchool Parent Portal features a single sign-on to allow parents with multiple students in The Elyria Schools to access all of their children with one account. 

This feature requires users to request an account be set up at their child's school.

Sign in to your Parent Portal

Help tool

If you need assistance setting up a registration account to enroll your student, please watch this Online Process Tutorial


Please email requests for records to [email protected].

Thank you. If you have questions regarding any information on this page, please contact the Central Registration Office at 440-284-8220.


Kristina Mlinko
Kristina Mlinko
Central Registration
p: 440.284.8220

Kristin Colorito

Kristin Colorito
Central Registration
p: 440.284.8220

Lisa Melhinch

Melissa (Lisa) Melhinch
p: 440.284.8225