Open Enrollment

Open Enrollment allows you to enroll your child in a different school than your home attendance school.

Open enrollment is not the same as registering your child for school. To register your new or returning student in the Elyria Schools, please visit the Student Registration section of this website to enroll.

Applications for open enrollment for the 2025-26 school year must be submitted to the Student Services' office by the last Friday in April. A separate application must be submitted for each student. Applications must be resubmitted annually for any currently approved open enrolled student.

Please refer to the Elyria City Schools policy concerning open enrollment guidelines or contact the Student Services office at 284-8246. Letters of approval or denial will be sent out in early June.

Transportation is NOT provided for Open Enrolled students.

New high School students applying for Open Enrollment MUST attach copies of this year's transcripts (including EOY test scores) and attendance records.

Please click THIS LINK to complete the 2025-26 Open Enrollment application online.


Click HERE to download and print the form for Open Enrollment application.

Forms must be returned by the last Friday in April. Mail to 42101 Griswold Rd. Elyria attn: Student Services or email to [email protected]